This is Nenason Msola, an evangelist in Tanzania. Yesterday some missional friends from MN bought him a new bike on behalf of River of Joy. Click here to read more. Thanks Don and Karen!
Use what you find here as you travel onward in the journey of a missional life of engaging the world for Christ. My hope is that somehow in the middle of these ramblings, Jesus would find you in a new way; or perhaps, that through these words He may provide to you a trail marking that would send you in a direction that would lead you always to Him.
Poke around. Seek Him here. Allow Him to find you here. Follow him as he leads you away from here.
Know that we all come to Him from different directions and with varying trail trekking experience. We ALL come with tattered maps, poor vision, faltering ears, and human stubbornness thinking that we know better than Him the paths we should walk.
But we listen to His voice. As He sends us out. And as He calls us home.
The posts that are marked with an * in the heading indicate that this is either a point from a Saturday evening teaching at River of Joy or an expansion, a clarification, or rethinking of the area we were exploring. Godspeed as you travel onward.