Wednesday, March 31, 2010

palms to passion 3

fear, betrayal, and thirty pieces of silver- (Luke 22:1-6)

Jesus has enemies, worldly and otherworldly.

And his enemies are afraid.

They have heard enough and decided that he must go.

Quickly and permantently they plan to shut him up.

"Let's see if these stones can talk as he told us when he entered the city."

There is one rock waiting to speak on his behalf.

Golgotha is clearing his throat.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

palms to passion 2

sadducees, scribes, little old ladies, and the army of one- (Luke 20:27-21:38)

The country boy from Nazareth has become quite a spectacle and caught the eye of the powerful and important.

The reasonable and intellectual Sadducees are curious.

The scribes and Pharisees are becoming furious.

But he has come on behalf of the entire world, paying close attention to the people who live humbly and quietly.

The temple will fall. The end is near. The city shall be surrounded. The sun will cease to shine as redemption draws near.

The budding of something new is at hand. Pay attention.

The army of one is laying siege to the places where we live.

Monday, March 29, 2010

palms to passion

stirring the pot from the start- (Luke 19:28-20:26)

It doesn't take Jesus long to start mixing things up with the crowds who had welcomed him with praise and fanfare as he entered Jerusalem. When they raised palms and shouted Hosanna hoping he was their long expected savior they didn't know he was coming to save them from themselves.

Your nationalism and defense efforts won't save you he said.

Your religiosity and purity of heart won't make things right with God either.

"Who do you think you are speaking to us that way?" they demanded.

In his typically hidden/plain truth manner Jesus provides his answer with a story that contains his plan for redemption through rejection.

"If the trouble maker is going to be coy with us, perhaps we can trick him and cause him to stumble."

But he would not stumble. His eyes were set on a rocky knob of a hill that he would climb at the end of the week.