Saturday, April 3, 2010

palms to passion 8

a day of rest (and following the rules)- (Luke 23:56b)

And the people rested not wanting to break the Sabbath commandment.

Would these stones hold him?

Would the stone in front of the tomb hold him?

Would this be the last to be heard of the country boy from Nazareth?

Friday, April 2, 2010

palms to passion 7

death on a friday afternoon (Luke 23:44-56)

At noon the sun's light failed and the curtain in the temple was torn in two.

He breathed his last committing his spirit to his father.

The very man who killed him confesses him as innocent and praises God.

The crowd beat their chests.

As the women who followed him watch helplessly.

The lifeless body is laid in a tomb.

palms to passion 6

with one on his left and one on his right (Luke 23:26-42)

Jesus is led out in the streets early on Friday morning.

He laments over what will become of the city that has rejected him as he carries his cross to the rocky knoll where he will die.

"Shouldn't such a mighty king be able to save himself?"

The criminals that hang on his left and his right argue about their own life and death.

The man of grace makes a promise
. He will welcome one of them home to paradise later in the day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

palms to passion 5

in the dark alone (Luke 22:47-23:25)

Under the cover of darkness, one friend betrays him with a kiss.

Another denies he knows him.

He is mocked and beaten.

And stands alone before a kangaroo court.

Shuttled off into the night for sentencing.

The powerful pass the buck on who is responsible.

But it is finally the people who welcomed him earlier in the week that sign his death sentence and instead free an insurgent murder.

palms to passion 4

with friends like these... (Luke 22:7-46)

Knowing his time has nearly come, he gathers his friends for a meal and an invitation to remember him.

His followers miss the point and instead argue about who is the greatest.

Certainly it is Peter, but Jesus tells them that Peter will deny knowing Jesus three times before the sun rises the following day.

Rejection and redemption are at hand as his friends desert him and fall asleep while he prays in agony to his father.

Jesus' time has come.