I spent the first half of my employed life working for a big brown delivery company. The challenge of getting boxes from here to there in the most efficient and economical way was amazingly energizing for me. Today we saw God’s fleet of delivery vehicles and met his delivery drivers. Unlike what we are accustomed to seeing, the vehicles aren’t standardized, and neither are the drivers. And the energy of the enterprise could power up all the lights on the strip in Vegas.
The vehicles are all unique and have great character. They are rugged and worn, banged up but beautifully getting the job done. And the drivers? Much the same. Unique. With great character. Banged up and getting the job done in truly inspired fashion.
We spent the morning with these missionaries and heads of orphanages as they came to pick up their monthly supply of FMSC food. The stories were as varied and vibrant as their vehicles. But to the person, every one said that they could not do the work that they do without this food. “ Impossible without it” they said. Impossible without the people in the states to pack it, pay for it, and pray over it. Impossible without you.
In God’s economy, we know that the impossible becomes reality. Challenges of economics and efficiency that we see as insurmountable obstacles mean nothing to a God who desires His people to live and be fed. These hurdles become nothing more than testaments to God’s power and expansive love.
Later in the afternoon we took food to a nearby village where hundreds of people were awaiting our arrival. (They wait very patiently down here). Each person standing in line represented a family of 6-10 people that would be fed for the next month by the box of food that they received.
“Merci.” “Merci.”
Thanks for sharing that beautiful description of God's delivery people in the context of big brown. You got me thinking. Be safe...be thankful.