Monday, January 15, 2007

jacob's well

Here are few thoughts about our trip to Jacob’s Well that resonated with me and were realized in our family’s experience. Jump in and comment on these or post your own thoughts and reflections by clicking on the word comment below this post. I would also invite you to read the story of Jesus at Jacob’s Well (John 4:1-45) as it is an important story as we partner together to engage the world in Jesus’ name. Anyway, here are some random thoughts.

The way that the man holding the “Homeless” sign on the off ramp on 46th street laid the groundwork for the entire experience. Our daughters (and us too) were forced to confront their (our) culturally-shaped teenage suburban understanding of need and want, have and have not, and answer the question 'who is my neighbor?'

We were surprised by the energy that we sensed before we even entered the building as we were greeted by the sign and the flags.

I was intrigued by Greg’s comment that the school is a beloved part of the community and this relationship (community to school) is a benefit as they use the same space to engage the same community. What does this say about what we should look for in space?

I liked hearing the comment that picking up garbage together was a meaningful part of knowing that the community was going to be about “doing ministry” together. How does this theme play out in our community?

If I slow down enough in my life to allow it to speak to me, a ping pong table will speak to me about relationships next time I see one.

I might actually have to tune in to Desperate Housewives and watch an episode. Or not.

How great it was to see the band afterwards at the restaurant and know that what happened during worship was laying the groundwork for how those who gathered would relate to one another and those they meet in their communities, their work places, their schools, and the places they (we) frequent in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. My family enjoyed the experience at Jacob's Well.
    I thought that tying the kids programs and the adult messages together was a fantastic idea. Greg said he hoped that would drive some continued conversation in the our case, it worked.
    I was struck by the energy and sense of ownership that was displyed in everyone I met. They were all very proud of what they were building (as they should be). I don't think you could successfully join Jacob's Well and be just a member of the audience. I like that. I have been in churches where it felt difficult to get involved. Not the case at Jacob's Well.
    I am a big fan of the contemporary music and I like that they pulled in some music from outside the purely Christian sources.

