Monday, May 21, 2007

ROJ Preview Worship May 19

Find an outline of our first preview worship gathering below. Please give some feedback on how you and your family experienced the worship. How did the worship meet you? How did it meet your children if they were participating? What did you find most meaningful? Did God find you in any particular way?

A few other things to think about: time of day, length of gathering, food, set up, sound, video, music, message, facility, atmosphere, etc.

River of Joy
Saturday, May 19th Worship Gathering

Music as we gather
With My Own Two Hands


Songs of Worship and Praise:
Come Thou Fount
This is Our God

Confession and Forgiveness

Community Updates
Song: Micah 6:8

Words of Institution
Lord’s Prayer

Communion, Reflection, and Offering Instructions
Communion and Reflective Prayer Time
Communion and Reflection Songs:
Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory

Prayer Requests and Prayers of the People
Sending Song: Let the River Flow


  1. After much anticipation, planning and preparation, our first service as a community of River of Joy came together. It was a beautiful summer day, . . . in May.
    HeatherLynn set a thoughtful foundation of music for the service and we look forward to her leadership at many more gatherings to come. Steve had a memorable message that spoke to all of us, . . . including Micah. As always, breaking bread and having dinner together was a great end to the gathering.
    Thanks be to God and next time "Bring a friend"

  2. Kris and Hank said:
    Seeing the transformation of a school cafeteria into a place of worship was indeed amazing. Beginning with the colorful banner outside, the picture nametags for all, the green curtains defining our space, the covered tables, the prayer stations,and the big screen welcoming all, we knew something exciting was about to happen. And it did. HeatherLynn's inspiring music set the tone and worship began. Steve's message was timely and thought-provoking followed by Communion(hallelujah!) We felt a sense of closeness and community in that room, and, of course, sharing a meal together is such fun. All in all we are excited for our next gathering, and hope that it comes quickly.

  3. This service was so refreshing!!! And I was only there for the first half!!!

    I so appreciated being given permission to worship God in whatever manner we felt we should be worshipping God: kneeling down, laying down, standing, sitting, etc., etc., etc. I think God likes it when we forget there are other people in the room and just have our undivided attention on Him.........and if we feel like reaching up to Him , to do it....and if we feel like bowing before Him, to do it......and if we feel like dancing with Him, to do it. The presence of the Lord was felt in that place - and it was such a strong, sweet, and loving presence.

    I wasn't able to stay for the sermon, but in typical Steve fashion, Pastor Steve delivered an insightful message that was down-to-earth, Biblical, and applicable. Brian told me about the sermon and I remember it and have been reflecting on it (sometimes I can't remember a sermon 3 hours later - but somehow Steve creates word pictures that stick with me - he did it again and I wasn't even there!!). But seeing that tool thingy that Steve used as a visual(Bri showed it to me in the car on our way to Rochester on Sunday) helped it to make God comes down to us and flows out of us. I've thought about this more than once since Bri shared it with me.

    As always, I appreciate the family focus of this church. As parents of a one-year-old and a two-year-old, it is impossible have the four of us sit quietly through a service. Some may look down upon that. However at ROJ, we have been embraced. The pastor calls me to tell me how great it was when our two-year-old interrupted his sermon! Others offer a helping hand when the baby is restless. The teens sit with our kids and color and play with them in the gym. It's like we are one big family that keeps growing - not just in numbers but in our relationships with one another and with the Lord.

    I can hardly wait for our next worship service together!

  4. We are most grateful for Heatherlyn's gift of authentic and Spirit-led worship...

    The breaking of bread in community with one another...

    The voices of young children, seeking to be heard...

    And, for all those who welcome God's children (of every generation), with loving hearts, open arms and acts of genuine service...

  5. I received this email and thought it appropriate to post it here. Thanks for all the feedback. As Christians, we are called to tell the truth as we see it with compassion and love. This is how we develop as people and as a community. I will posts ome comments and reflections on what is posted as the week progresses. Keep the conversation coming!

    "Have my reservations about blogging any negative comments on a public site but I felt the worship service went exceedingly well. You were certainly well prepared and the music and message meshed well in the the Power Point. My only comment there was that we may want to insert some "wallpaper" frames for the times where the focus is off the screen.

    In another vein I felt there was maybe too sudden a transition from the confession time into the announcement/offering time.
    Maybe because I was tired and wanted to meditate/worship/praise more but I had felt Heather Lynn had set a very worshipful tone to the evening and maybe it was too soon broken into "business"arena . I guess where to put the announcements can be the bane of their purpose as you want all to be involved in them but often they are remembered all too well (more than the message?) or not enough (hence maybe the need for the online bulletin).

    I guess the envelope plea seemed to get a little squashed into Communion so I am not sure I quite understood all of it. I think most of us need some definitives like first pass them out lets look at this "this is for", it is suggested that" and a time that they would be collected. I thought we had an envelope but as it was I did not even really look at the face of it. So I know it had FMSC on it but not sure if this was an all year appeal or what."

  6. For me the three words that come to mind are finally, refreshing, and community.

    I realize that finally is a strange word to use for a first worship service. During the service, I was thinking back to Steve's ordination service and all of the planning and praying that got us to that point and was excited that "finally" we were worshipping!

    Refreshing. HeatherLynn's music, Steve's message, communion, praying together - I felt so refreshed when the service was over.

    Community. I am so thankful to be able to do God's work with a group of people like all of you. I don't know where God will lead us, but I can't wait to get there with you.

    My only frustration with the first service is that it's over, and I have to wait a month for the next one. Of course, that does leave me plenty of time to find a friend or two to bring with me next time.

    God bless you all.

  7. Hello! I've never blogged before, so this will be the first time ever (wish me luck!).

    The word to best describe our first service for me is "moving." The music was super; the message was great; and the friendships and atmosphere keep me coming back! It was great to have my husband join us for the first time, and thanks to all who made him feel welcome.

    There were so many of you who worked behind the scenes to pull everything together - please know what great work you did! The room felt like a worship service, not a school. Your hard work, planning, and finishing touches do not go unnoticed - it was beautiful!

    I look forward to the continued growth as the ROJ community/family. This is going to be an awesome journey!

    I appreciate the challenge that was thrown out to bring another family, as I will be proud to have them be a part of what has begun!

    God is good!

  8. Truly, our worship was filled with the Holy Spirit and could be felt. The music, the message, the gathering in the sharing of the Lord’s Supper and then to share in the Lords blessing of his bounty for our own supper was such a cementing of His people. We give Thanks for him in all that He has done.
    To see an elementary school cafeteria turn into a sanctuary to worship our Lord was amazing.
    The message, based from the Word, was inspirational….the music allowed each of us to worship separately and together as a whole and was wonderful.
    Thanks be to God for who He is and whom we belong to!
