Wednesday, September 24, 2008

provisions- God's work. Our hands.

As part of our fall worship series, God’s work. Our hands., we are journeying together with provisions; reading some of the same books, listening to some of the same music, and watching some of the same movies.

Here are the things we are traveling with this fall:

The Big Sort- examines the ‘self sorting’ of American culture and the negative impact that this practice has in a more and more diverse world.

Freedom of a Christian- is Martin Luther’s examination of our paradoxical life as those who are completely free through Christ while at the same time bound to serve others.

A Generous Orthodoxy- challenges us to a life that is Christ-centered in practice, looking beyond us/them and embracing the mystery of we.

Jim and Casper Go to Church- is a a collection of conversations between a church consultant and an atheist as they visit churches and speak with Christians.

Everything is Spiritual-
is a filmed teaching of Rob Bell, a pastor who is tremendously gifted at raising awareness of the nature of things spiritual.

Pleasantville- is a film that captures the rub of modern life (and world view) with postmodern life (and worldview).

Ben Harper-
is the musical artist we are listening to with a recommendation of the CD Diamonds on the Inside. Take a listen to our journey theme song above.

Grab a book or movie at worship. Give it a chance and see what you think. Don’t like it, bring it back and try another.


  1. just got done reading "jim and casper go to church"

    good/easy read. really reminds me how important it is to listen. really really REALLY listen.

    i happened to be reading this book while spending the weekend w/ a non-church going friend of mine....perfect opportunity to practice my listening.

  2. BEN HARPER ROCKS!!! If you haven't should!

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