Wednesday, January 7, 2009

words of wisdom for the wayfaring

Thought I would share a poem that a friend wrote recently that I found to be inpsiring as we move into the new year.

anger aggravates, accommodates, advocates abuse.
authenticity awakens action.
beatitudes bear burdens with bold, brave, beautiful belief.
condemnation consumes, confines, confuses, cancels, quenches.
charity cheerfully choses changeless truthful chance.
desolate isolation destructs, depresses, represses.
darkness doubts and disguises.
dissatisfaction deters, destroys, defiles, defies, denies.
Daddy's divine detox and definite decisions define- directing daily dancing destiny.
eternally expressive encouragement enables courage.
foolishness and fraud ferment & fester, fool, fail & frustrate.
forgiven fearless freedom flows from firmaments' faithful, founding Father.
faith followers find friendship, family and favor.
humanity hoards and harbors hate, humiliating humility.
hurting, hungry hearts hide.
holy happiness harbors holistically healthy harmony.
ill, illegitimate, irreverent, irrelevant impermanence interrupts.
eternal, ingenious, insightful, innovative intelligence inspires.
jubilance joins justice, joyfully judging junk jurisdiction.
kindred kindness kindles and cultivates compassionate community.
love listens and laments.
life liberates.
mankind misunderstands and miscommunicates.
miracles & mercy mend mistakes.
neighborliness nurtures.
honest opportunity overrules ostracizing oppression.
plentiful plans pervade, persuade personal pursuits.
Prince of permanent peace paves, preserves, prepares, protects, provides perfect paths.
purity portrays passionate potential.
patience perseveres.
quiet confidence confides, communicating candidly.
rage ravages with revengeful rampant regret.
real, righteous wisdom refreshes, reflects, respects, requests right, relevant routes.
spiritual sickness soils saliva.
stubborn, stained sentiments send sharp shattering signals.
sweet, simple, soulful sincerity shares.
tongues torture.
truth trusts.
understanding observes.
wise warmth restores, redirects waywardness, reawakening wild, refreshing, reflective wonder.

Thanks Arli for a beautiful bit of bold purposeful prose!

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