Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

Have you seen the movie yet? if you have this will testify and witness to the power of the gospel to transform individuals and God's entire creation. If you have not seen the movie, check out this video to get a glimpse of what the gospel at work in the world looks like.


  1. What a powerful, inspiring movie. One that both Joe and I agree will stick with us forever.

  2. This song always gets me going...especially the part of "these chains are gone...I am set free". It describes the feeling that a life with Christ has given me.
    This relates perfectly to the earlier blog regarding what we's the stories...I'm a story. Each time I do a little something to help the world and be that conduit that Steve describes, I further transform myself. It may look selfless but it sure feels selfish.
