Saturday, February 9, 2008


We don’t travel alone. It is as easy (or perhaps as difficult) as that. I used to think that our spiritual lives were private and self motivated. I have come to understand that depth in our spiritual lives comes from traveling together. It is in our sharing of personal experience and shared vision that we can figure out which way to hold the map, which trail to venture down, and when there is danger lurking in the woods.

Private, no. Personal, certainly. Self motivated, only for short periods. Energized by the company we keep, absolutely.

With whom are you traveling?

1 comment:

  1. On tuesday evening I spent some time with some amazing new friends.....I revealed some feelings of trepidation/fear/anxiousness....I am not sure I am really giving it all to God....I can't quite "let it go"....

    Because I am not alone on this journey....someone in that room's o.k. for you to feel that....and we are here to "carry your faith." I've never really considered this idea. When I am unable to fully commit, someone else can do it for me? I guess that is the true meaning of being a part of a "shared vision."

    I am profoundly grateful I have met others who are willing to carry some of my burdens so that I can continue to travel the journey!
