Sunday, February 10, 2008

the first turn

Sometimes, we arrive at places in our lives when it seems that a moment of decision has been thrust upon us. Which direction do I go from here? Sometimes we know the turn that we should take. Only to head down the other path with plenty of good and justifiable reasons in our pockets for why we have not listened to that small voice inside of us. Frequently, we make first-rate decisions that are good for us and those around us and bless the world with their outcomes. And on other occasions, we find ourselves standing at a fork in the road and hoping (or praying) that the path we head down is the right one.

It can be easy to get caught up in replaying these personal moments of decision, sometimes for their glory and other times because they don’t seem to leave us alone. Christ comes to the world in order to free us from living (and reliving) these moments. His work on the cross frees us from the guilt of the poor moments of decision and keeps us honest with ourselves when our pride in good decision-making would offend our neighbor or hinder our own spiritual growth.

Christ comes not to equip us for these moments of decision, but rather, to gather us up into the momentum of his life-giving Spirit and the creative and redemptive work of God in the world.

Our true liberty is not found by us in the moment we make an informed, reasoned, prayed about, and contemplated decision. Our true freedom finds us in a life where the momentum of Christ is carrying us down his path. A life where our decisions become inconsequential to the creative and energizing tasks and relationships that he has called us to engage for the sake of God’s mission in the world.

A kingdom building life in Christ is not really about our decisions and the turns we make. Rather, it is about aligning our intentions with the momentum starting turn that God has made toward us in Jesus Christ.

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